六名留学生接受CGTN《“两会”世界青年说》节目组采访,分享他们在北大的学习与生活,畅谈他们所感受到的中国,以及对中国经济发展、国际关系等的看法。本期主题为“China, a mystery no more”,点击链接查看CGTN文章及视频。
Youth Dialogue: China, a mystery no more

They have traveled the Ancient Silk Road from Venice to Xi'an and met Queen Elizabeth. They have been around the world but still find China a magnet for their new life experiences and research.
While Beijing is hosting its most important political gatherings, the Two Sessions, which sets the tone for China's future development path, CGTN has invited Yenching Scholars at Peking University to share their views on China's economy, politics and foreign relations based on their own personal experience and academic interest.
With diverse backgrounds from America, the UK, Russia, South Africa, the Republic of Korea and Nigeria, in the first episode of the “Youth Dialogue”, they have found that before coming here, they knew of China, but never really knew China.