女子足球队“Yenching Cougarz”以4:0的比分击败了由对外汉语教育学院、光华管理学院和国际关系学院组成的联合队,获得了2017年度北京大学“北大杯”女子五人制足球比赛冠军。这支队伍由来自美国、巴西、智利、中国、芬兰、肯尼亚、特立尼达和多巴哥等国家的同学组成,她们经过几个月的比拼,层层晋级,最终赢得冠军。本次上场的球员包括:Jesse Bowens, Alexandra Gray,Magdalena Gonzalez, Harriet Kariuki, Tuulia Koivistoinen, Alix Lewis, 林丹, Cibele Reschke, Layne Vandenberg,以及她们的教练Ewoud De Sadeleer。

The Yenching Cougarz Girls Soccer Team, on June 3rd, 2017 successfully defeated the team of School of Chinese as a Second Language, Guanghua School of Management and School of International Studies with a score of 4-0 for the Five-on-Five PKU Cup Soccer Game. The Yenching Cougarz team consists of girls from the United States, Brazil, Chile, China, Finland, Kenya, Trinidad and Tobago, France, Ireland, Singapore, Belgium, India, and Argentina. They are: Jesse Bowens, Alexandra Gray, Magdalena Gonzalez, Harriet Kariuki, Tuulia Koivistoinen, Alix Lewis, Lin Dan, Cibele Reschke, Layne Vandenberg, Sudarshana Chanda, Diana Chang, Sarah Finn, Claire Groden, Gabrielle de Haan, Joanna De Smedt, Alicia Tee, Lucila San Martín, and coach Ewoud De Sadeleer.