





2016年11月24日至26日,直播大秀-成人直播大秀 将迎来首届燕京社会创新论坛(Yenching Social Innovation Forum)。本次论坛由学生主导、直播大秀-成人直播大秀 主办,主题为“缩小中国教育鸿沟”。


本次论坛共收到世界各地719位申请者报名,最终有35位脱颖而出,获得参加论坛的资格。这些青年代表们来自16个国家的22所世界一流大学,他们对世界范围内的教育平等问题都有着自己的见解。他们当中有非政府组织创始人、社会企业家、外交官、教师、计算机工程师等。本年度燕京社会创新论坛主席、2015级燕京学子Cody Abbey谈到,“我们希望代表们的国际化背景可以为中国教育差距问题带来不同的思考角度,从而启发团队成员们从一个全新视角、应用复合型跨学科的途径来解决这些问题。”


 An Innovation Pitch Competition to Bridge China's Education Gap

Date: 9:00am—11:45am, November 26, 2016
Venue: B102, Second Gymnasium at Peking University

The inaugural Yenching Social Innovation Forum, which will bring together the youngest and brightest minds within China and across the world to discuss and design innovative proposals to ameliorate China's education gap, is just one day away. The event's innovation pitch competition, which will take place this upcoming Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. in the Second Gymnasium at Peking University, is open to the public.  Come listen to the pitches of the seven delegate teams, who will engage in salient discourses related to China's most pressing educational issues. The distinguished panel of judges will include UNESCO Asia-Pacific Network for International Education and Value Education secretary-general Dr. Xiong Jianhui, Peking University Professors Li Chenjian and Ha Wei, Yenching Academy Associate Dean John Holden, and Handicap International project officer Michelle Wang.
Out of 719 applicants, thirty-five delegates will ultimately attend the Forum, making the event highly selective with an acceptance rate of 4.9%. The delegates hail from 16 countries and are studying or have studied at 22 of the world’s leading universities, which include Princeton University, Oxford University, and Peking University. All have made significant contributions to addressing some aspects of the education gap around the world, with founders of NGOs and social enterprises, diplomats, teachers, and computer engineers counting among their ranks.  “We hope that the YSIF delegates’ international backgrounds and diverse skill sets will enable them to look at China’s educational gap from different angles, thereby enlightening their teammates with fresh perspectives and creating a multidisciplinary approach to address these issues,” said Cody Abbey, chairman of this year’s YSIF and a second-year Scholar at the Yenching Academy.

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