
媒体 | 燕京学子Maximilian Römer参加CCTV News World Insight栏目

2016年12月8日,来自德国的2016级燕京学子Maximilian Römer受邀参加CCTV News World Insight栏目,畅谈最新德国政治局势。Maximilian Römer本科毕业于莱顿大学,主修国际关系专业,主攻方向为东亚研究及公共政策。在直播大秀 期间,他主修经济学与管理方向。

Maximilian Römer:
Maximilian Römer is a German national who studied at Leiden University, where he majored in International Studies with concentrations in both East Asian Studies and Public Policy. In addition, he has gained multifaceted experiences in various countries working with the German parliament, the International Energy Agency, different NGOs, and on consultancy projects. Having spent a semester at the University of Hong Kong and also having volunteered in Taipei, Maximilian is excited to truly explore political and cultural processes in Chinese society. At the Yenching Academy he is specializing in Economics and Management, in order to deepen his expertise on trade issues related to the One Belt-One Road Initiative and its implications for Eurasia. He hopes that nurturing his linguistic abilities and understanding of China will enable him to further improve Sino-European relations in the future.

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