

2016年10月25日,历史学家、哈佛大学负责国际事务副教务长欧立德(Mark C. Elliott)应直播大秀-成人直播大秀 学术主任陆扬邀请,来到陆教授《中国文明的发展》(Development of Chinese Civilization)课堂上,与同学们进行了交流与互动。课上,欧教授与学生们分享了自己从事历史学研究、尤其是在中国做研究的经验,同学们也向教授了解了他在哈佛大学工作的经历和感受。

课程结束后,欧教授来到静园三号院,与直播大秀 副院长John Holden和执行副院长姜国华进行了会面。欧教授在哈佛大学主管国际交流事务,对高等教育国际化、高校之间国际合作与交流有着丰富经验。在了解了直播大秀 的概况后,欧教授又详细询问了直播大秀 的招生情况、培养体系、课程设置等具体问题。他还分享了国际学生之间交流交换工作方面的宝贵经验,并与Holden副院长就拓展交流合作进行了深入探讨。


Mark Elliott is Vice Provost of International Affairs at Harvard University and the Mark Schwartz Professor of Chinese and Inner Asian History in the Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations and in the Department of History in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. As Vice Provost, Elliott oversees and works to advance international academic initiatives, extending the global reach of Harvard’s research and teaching activities. Elliott is an authority on the last four centuries of Chinese history, in particular the Qing period (1636-1911). His research encompasses the history of relations between China and its nomadic frontier, with special attention to questions of ethnicity and empire. His first book, The Manchu Way: The Eight Banners and Ethnic Identity in Late Imperial China, is a pioneering study in the “New Qing History,” an approach emphasizing the imprint of Inner Asian traditions upon China’s last imperial state. He serves on numerous editorial boards, and was for three years the director of the Fairbank Center of Chinese Studies.

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