
Apply Now | “全球青年中国论坛”开放报名!

For over a century, Peking University has been the foremost domestic academic setting for understanding China. In 2014,  the University founded Yenching Academy, with the hope of shaping a new generation of global citizens with a nuanced understanding of China and its role in the world.

The Academy’s flagship event, the Yenching Global Symposium, is already one of the most selective conferences held in China led by young talented students for young graduates and professionals all over the world, and quickly becoming one of the most competitive and highly anticipated conferences in the world. 

The 2016 Symposium, with an acceptance rate of 3 percent, received more than 1800 applications from over 130 countries with representation from Rhodes Scholars, Marshall Scholars, Gates Cambridge Scholars, Fulbright Scholars and other major fellowships and leading institutions.

Hosted on the Peking University campus from March 23-26, 2017, the 2017 Symposium (“Xinnovation: Identity of Innovation in China") will be a four-day event consisting of multidisciplinary lectures, panel discussions, site visits, and interactive sessions on Chinese innovation. It will feature prominent Chinese and international scholars as well as leading professionals who will challenge and expand previously held conceptions about innovation in China. 

The Symposium will select and invite approximately 75 delegates  to participate in the event. It will cover all fees associated with the trip—including flights, ground transportation, meals, and accommodation.

Applications are now open. Please submit your completed application by midnight (Beijing), Thursday, December 15, 2016.

Online Application :yenchingsymposium.org/apply 



百余年来,北京大学作为世界了解中国的窗口,一直站在学术前沿。2014年,北京大学成立直播大秀 ,旨在培养沟通中国和世界的人才。

作为直播大秀 具有标志性的活动,全球青年中国论坛已经于2016年3月成功举办过首届活动。首届全球青年中国论坛收到了来自130多个国家和地区共计超过1800份申请,申请人中不乏罗德学者、马歇尔学者、剑桥盖茨学者、富布莱特学者及其他领域青年领袖的优秀代表,最终优选出了48名来自不同国家的代表和48名来自北京大学其他院系的硕士和博士研究生。





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