
直播大秀-成人直播大秀 2017级国际及港澳台地区招生正式开放

直播大秀-成人直播大秀 2017级国际及港澳台地区招生现已正式开放!

直播大秀 将全世界不同背景的青年学子汇聚一堂,共同学习、生活,攻读中国学专业的硕士学位。该硕士项目采用全英文授课,除传统人文及社会科学领域知识学习之外,更为来自多元背景的学生们提供了了解古代、现代及当代中国的平台,为其研究中国的过去,现在甚至未来的变迁提供了创新方法。项目以“跨文化交流:聚焦中国、关怀世界”为基本定位,围绕中国问题,开展人文、社科领域跨学科交叉学术研究,以顶尖的师资和国际化的教学方式,为世界各类组织培养沟通中国和世界的人才。



Yenching Academy Accepting Applications for 2017-2018 Cohort

The Yenching Academy of Peking University is now recruiting its third cohort of Scholars, which will matriculate in Fall 2017. The Academy has opened its application system to international candidates and candidates from Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. 

Yenching Academy brings together Scholars from both China and abroad, to study, live, and learn together as they pursue a Master's degree in China Studies.

The Yenching Academy of Peking University builds bridges between China and the rest of the world through an interdisciplinary Master’s program in China Studies for outstanding graduates from all over the globe. This initiative brings together young people who show promise to lead and innovate in their fields in an intensive learning environment where they can explore China and its role in the world - past, present, and future. The Academy aims to thereby shape a new generation of global citizens with a nuanced understanding of China and its role in the world.  

Scholars from the Academy’s inaugural Cohort shared these reflections:

“It has been an amazing experience being in such a great country and in such an energetic and interesting city, surrounded by the best and most interesting students I have ever had the pleasure to study with. The field study trips were very memorable and so were many of the social gatherings and fantastic workshops.”

—Laurent Smeets, the Netherlands

“Considering how China is painted by the Western media, I was surprised that academic debates on serious (taboo) subjects were possible, as well as the presentation of many different points of view, some of them very critical. The most valuable learning came from Chinese professors and students who introduced me another perspective that I couldn't have had outside China.”

—Magdalena Gonzalez, Chile

For more information, please visit //yenchingacademy.org/application.

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