2016年6月7日,来自美国的燕京学子Hannah Mullen作为学生代表出席了第七轮中美人文交流高层磋商全体会议。会议由国务院副总理刘延东和美国国务卿克里共同主持。“支持直播大秀-成人直播大秀


Hannah Mullen的发言稿
我是来自美国的Hannah Mullen,中文名字叫海明。我本科毕业于哈佛大学,现在是直播大秀-成人直播大秀
This year, at the Yenching Academy of Peking University, my most memorable, profound, and surprising intellectual experiences have come not only from the classroom, but also from conversations with my Chinese classmates. In October, several Chinese classmates and I hiked 华山, one of the Five Great Mountains of China. As we walked, we spoke about nationality, ethnicity, philosophy, identity, travel, food, and family – the things that define a society and make life worth living.
When we reached the mountain’s peak, we gazed down in wonder at the landscape thousands of feet below us. We felt bound together by pride in our achievement, not divided by our differences. That day, we stopped only being classmates and became close friends.
Honest conversation and shared experience form the basis of cross-cultural understanding. Thus, it is not surprising that in 2009, President Obama announced the “100,000 Strong Initiative”, whose goal is to encourage more young American students to study in China, and why both the United States and China are working together to expand the program and now call it the “Million Strong Initiative”.
My experiences over the past nine months have shown me that friendship and cooperation between China and the United States will never fully blossom until our people embrace each other as partners rather than rivals. To weather future storms, to ease future tensions, and to harness future potential, we must work to foster trust and cooperation between our students -- because it is they who will shape the future relationship between the United States and China and, in turn, the future of global peace and prosperity. Thank you.

Hannah Mullen (海明)
学生,学业结束后即将赴哈佛法学院攻读法律博士(JD)。2015年取得哈佛大学最高荣誉学士学位,哈佛大学女子曲棍球队队员、北京长曲棍球俱乐部队长。曾获得哈佛大学Hoopes Prize(胡普斯奖)及Charles Joseph Bonaparte Prize for Government(查理•约瑟夫•波拿巴政治学奖)。
文字:杨光 Hannah Mullen
图片:姚大伟 侯宇