

今年9月,直播大秀-成人直播大秀 将迎来她的首届学生。这99位来自全球35个国家和地区的学子将要在北京大学这所历史悠久、风景优美的学府开始他们全新的学习和生活。直播大秀 奖学金的设立为来自全世界的优秀学子提供了更多的机会,本期将与大家分享两位韩国直播大秀 奖学金获得者的故事,韩国时报对这两名优秀学子进行了采访。想要成为学堂成员并获得这份殊荣的你,快来看看她们的背景和申请经历吧!

Kim Eun-seo

Born in Daejeon, Kim grew up in Seoul, Wisconsin, and London before reading philosophy, politics and economics at Oxford University.

She joined the International Relations Society and the Debate Club in college, and also found time to play "janggu"in a traditional Korean percussion band and row competitively.

During her summers, she organized a group of Oxford students to teach English at Jinju, a small town near Busan. She also travelled to Ghana with Global Brigades to work in community microfinance. Her last internship was at an environmental think tank in Oxford, where she conducted statistical research to prevent deforestation and swam in nearby rivers afterwork.

Her two rounds of interviews with two Peking University professors and an associate dean encompassed a broad range of topics includingthe 2014 U.N. climate summit. She was also asked how she would introduce Korea to other international students. She responded: "Our culture comes with not just K-pop and K-dramas. Korea also has a sense of warmth and community spirit."

Jang Myung-jee

Born and raised in Seoul, Jang studied at Sungkyunkwan University where she majored in economics.

Jang immersed herself in myriad of extracurricular activities in college, including the Economy Debating Association, Fine Art Club and Youth Ecodemia. She teaches economics and finance to around 30 high school students every Saturday, and has also tutored children of North Korean defectors at Gayang Community Center.

She recalls her interview process as"nerve-racking."When asked about her future plans, however, she responded confidently that she aspires to contribute to economic cooperation between Korea and China.

"A couple of days after the interview,I was having dreams about my interview. It ossed and turned and couldn't soundly sleep," Jang said. "To my surprise, I got into Yenching Academy. I couldn't help but wake my parents and tell them the news. It was a pleasant sleepless night for my family."


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