
10月16日 | Paul G. Pickowicz (毕克伟)教授讲座

Lecture Information:

Speaker: Paul G. Pickowicz (毕克伟)

Host: Lu Yang (陆扬)

Theme: Women in Chinese Silent Cinema

Time: 19:00 – 20:30

Date: October 23 (Wednesday), 2019

Venue: Room B101, Second Gymnasium, Yenching Academy, Peking University

Language: English


This lecture uses clips from rare silent films produced in China in the 1920s and early 1930s to explore the complicated and diverse roles played by women in the Shanghai global metropolis and other urban settings. How were gender roles shifting at a time when modernity was having a significant impact in Chinese cities?


Paul G. Pickowicz is Distinguished Professor Emeritus of History and Chinese Studies at the University of California, San Diego, and inaugural holder of the UC San Diego Endowed Chair in Modern Chinese History. His books (authored, coauthored, and coedited) include Marxist Literary Thought in China (1981), Unofficial China (1989), Chinese Village, Socialist State (1992, winner of the Joseph R. Levenson Prize of the Association for Asian Studies), New Chinese Cinemas (1994), Popular China (2002), Revolution, Resistance, and Reform in Village China (2005), From Underground to Independent (2006), The Chinese Cultural Revolution as History (2006), Dilemmas of Victory (2007), China on the Margins (2010), Radicalism, Revolution, and Reform in Modern China (2011), China on Film (2012), Restless China (2013), Liangyou: Kaleidoscopic Modernity and the Shanghai Global Metropolis (2013) Filming the Everyday (2017), China Tripping (2019), and A Sensational Encounter with High Socialist China (2019). He has won three distinguished teaching awards: UC San Diego Alumni Association (1998), Chancellor's Associates (2009), and Academic Senate (2003). He has been invited to teach his famous course on the history of Chinese silent cinema at the University of Edinburgh, the University of Heidelberg, and Renmin University (Beijing). In 2012 he taught the same course in Chinese at East China Normal University (Shanghai). Pickowicz has graduated 33 PhD students, with 7 more currently in the pipeline. He has held visiting appointments at the University of Oxford, National University of Singapore, University of Edinburgh, University of Heidelberg, East China Normal University, City University of Hong Kong, Ecole Normale Superieure (Lyon, France), Hong Kong Institute of Education, and Tsinghua University. He is associate producer of the documentary films China in Revolution, 1911-1949 (1989) and The Mao Years, 1949-1976 (1994). Pickowicz was honored by the German government in 2016 when it presented him with a Humboldt Research Award for lifetime accomplishments in research and teaching.

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